Q u a l i t y w i n e s s i n c e 1 9 5 1 , f r o m f a t h e r t o s o n .

Give yourself a gift: sleep among our vineyards in the heart of the Chianti hills!

Check availability and book directly with us!

wine tasting home

Come and taste our wines!
We also offer you a well-kept home-prepared aperitif.
Do you prefer more privacy? With our picnic basket you will discover cool and secluded places to spend a fantastic day of relaxation.


W i n e t a s t i n g s a n d p i c n i c s i n t h e v i n e y a r d

Chianti Classico Picnic
drawing grapes
Guerriero Chianti wine
chianti docg


A whirlwind of cherry flavors and with hints of floral and red fruit aromas.

Basium rosé wine


Nose: quite fine, floral (violet, pink).
Taste: fresh, quite soft with a bitter aftertaste.

Faus white wine


Trebbiano del Chianti, fresh and fruity.
Perfect for hot summer days.

drawing grapes

A f a m i l y h i s t o r y

panorama Gambassi
Fausto in the vineyards

We are fortunate to have been born in Tuscany, a wonderful and generous land that offers a fantastic climate and enchanting landscapes.
We have been working in the vineyards for 3 generations.